At least it isn't a White Background!!

Ever since I first got connected to the vast world known as the internet, I had always wanted to create my own webpage that many people all over the world could see. The problems I ran into were

1) The time to work on a page was always limited to minutes if at all.

2) Getting people to actually visit and come to my pages.

Most importantly
3) I could never think of a great idea to have on my page.

Some people might not think it is that hard to figure out what a person would want on there site, but I'm not a normal person. There is so much I want to have up: Animation, stories, articles, argumentives, basically everything.

Hopefully, I will come to a decision soon. Maybe I will figure out something original.

Until then, please enjoy the following sites:

Georgia Hick - Maintained once in awhile by my girlfriend/unofficial wife - Great site to get free samples. Use cbb45 as a referral, if you would please.
Wizards of the Coast - Good site that holds downloadable information on the new d20 systems of Star Wars and D&D.